COVID-19 Catastrophe: Countries Come Together For Corona



Corona How are You,


Its mid of year 2020 and you came into our life in year 2019. Why so?

We were on a terrific celebrations of new year 2020, as usual year after year, as we we use to see since our birth; but it’s so sad it’s been 100 years, and our mother Earth didn’t faced anything like, “Corono” ever.

Our parents too are confused to hear words like lockdown- locked inside of our homes, self quarantine. We use to hear quarantine like things at airport screening stations for some persons entering into our country if found suffering from unfamiliar disease with drastic consequenses.

Oh!! Corona what have you done to our lifes, we millenilas, new borns, todlers, girls, boys, teens, olds, women, grand dad, granddaddy all are so locked up since March of 12, 2020, it’s so horific now

The speciality of Corona is something dreadliest than, “cancer”, as we were more afraid about cancer, as such world-wide medical healthcare has no permanent solution to something like cancer.

Origin of Corona Virus

Viruses this was the computer headaches overcome by installing anti virus while writing this post my laptop has an annual sunscription of a quality antivirus, Quickheal”, to look after the health of my system. But what about human virus.

And a human virus like monster corona is something lethal to health of billions as it ate out a population of some 70,000 Americans, and the fatalities in Italy, Spain, France, Germancy, have crossed 20,000-30,000 bracket of human losses.

All the human on Earth are locked inside of homes as the ultimate remedy, protections against Corona Virus. As of now no vaccine being developed and China Wuhan City is the one which was the earliest epicenter of Corona Virus.

Scientist and Chief health experts of various countries blame China fpr spreading Corona virus intentionally. Stories says they ate bats in vet markets in Wuhan and this virus was spread, others on a strong believe that this is some kind of an airborne attack straight from the Virology Research lab inside of Wuhan near of the famous Vet market.

Get more well researched information on Corona Here

Nobel lauraete predicts that sucesssfull creation of an invaluble vacine against Corona Virus will be available in almost three years from now, as it takes sufficient times in the vacines human clinical trials and commercial availabilty.

American president Mr. Donald Trump has said Corona virus is a China Virus. Now a competitive research is going on between all the global countries to bring the very firts effective vaccine for Corona Virus.

Life is too short a proverb as we have heard a lot since childhood but this seems to be a realistic something for all of us suffering from corona. India as a country of 1.3 Billions is following lockdown since March end 2020. It has observed lockdown phase 1,2,3 n more in the government policies.

There are countries like South Korea, Singapore, Japan and many more having quite a good control on this deadly disease. Sanitisation, hand wash, and masks are the primary precautions for this.

Mask is now a new fashion wearable, earlier big companies like Apple Inc, Samsung were delighting customers with tech wearable watches now on a official government work on making mass masks and PPE for medicos. The auto giants like Lamborghini , General Motors, Ford all have come together for helping countries in this global fight.



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