Germany Castles, Museums, Monuments Is Magnificent

Facts about Germany

Central European developed country Germany is famous for its carnivals, festivals, museums, monuments and largest cities.

With the largest city, “Berlin”, as its capital some 84 million Germany people have the benefits of free education infrastructure, universal medical care system, well developed dense road networks, highways, Airlines.

Prehistoric Germany encompass rich legacy of a vibrant culture marked by a period of early settlements of Germanic tribes followed by the establishments of various Empires and dynasties.

German strong social innovative large market economy is majorly based on tech, service, automotive sectors, chemical, electronic, electrical products industry and enterprises.

Germany continental oceanic temperate climate conditions favor natural geography features and rich biodiversity ecosystem consisting of Alps mountain ranges, major rivers, mixed forests of pine, oaks trees, flower plants which is home to wildlife animals such as deer, fox, boar, beaver and more making Germany as the most visited top travel destination

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